
So here we are. A blog. I have started this in the hope of finding out who I really am; rather than a collection of labels, the two most prominent being a survivor of child sexual abuse and a diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Anyone is more than welcome to join me for this journey.

There will be many references to SHARE, a small charity that I run in Castlebar, Co. Mayo that holds a weekly therapy group for adults who had been sexually abused during their childhood.

I make no apologies. This will be a very personal blog. If its strikes a chord with someone; or gives support; or help; or provides some comfort, then all the better.


About When The Fog Clears

I am a psychotherapist; mental health blogger; Ambassador for SeeChange; currently live in County Mayo Ireland; married with 3 kids; and have a fear of spiders. In 2011 I started to find my way out of the fog and disclosed for the first time that I had been sexually abused as a child. Ten months later out of sheer frustration at the lack of any support for survivors of child sexual abuse and against the advice of many, I set up SHARE, a small charity where we provide group therapy and support to adults who were abused in childhood. During this time I trained as a psychotherapist. To add to my CV, I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder at the end of 2014. So this blog is my way of trying to find my voice in this world and look for clearings in the fog. You are more than welcome to journey with me if you wish.
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